blogstatic's first PH launch (documented here) was in December of 2022, three months after the rebranding and its public launch and deciding to give blogstatic a real chance.

During its first PH launch, blogstatic finished the day at #6 which did wonders in terms of record-breaking signups and sales. Also, a few publications picked it up and wrote about it, which was great.

I've been wanting to re-launch blogstatic in Product Hunt for quite some time but needed a solid reason for it.

The launching of DesignStudio was the perfect opportunity.

One thing I wasn't sure about was if I should re-launch blogstatic "the product" or DesignStudio "the feature", so I asked a bit on Twitter and got a few replies. 

What I decided to do is re-launch blogstatic the "product", but heavily promote DesignStudio as well. Sort of "blogstatic with this-new-thing".

The screenshot of the blogstatic's launch page on Product Hunt
blogstatic's launch page on Product Hunt

And this was the launch tweet below 👇

The initial goal was achieved! 🏆

Overall, I think the launch went great. It did better this time around by finishing the day inside the Top 5, as intended on my launch tweet. For a product launching for the second time on Product Hunt, this is great.

At one point blogstatic was about 40 votes away from grabbing the 3rd position, and I did all I could until I couldn't and had to go to sleep, because I was close to 16 hours in front of my laptop, talking to friends, replying to comments, finding ways to get more support. And at one point I crashed and had to take a much-needed break.

The other BIG positive is that blogstatic was the only solo-maker product inside the Top 5!

A screenshot of the Top 5 products in Product Hunt for July 18 2024
Top 5 of the day

The prep

I was almost going to push the launch for another week because I didn't have a good quick video ready. But, as I was sitting in the car in the parking lot while waiting for my son to finish his tennis practice and doing the screenshots for the launch — I thought to myself, — "Why don't I record the video right now and get it over with." – One take. No edits.

And here it is — full of mispronounced words lol.

Anyway, so I had all those ready — and scheduled everything in Product Hunt for publishing.

The launch day

Right after blogstatic was published on Product Hunt, surprisingly it got a good amount of votes, without me doing any promoting. Around 40 or so. Not sure what would have happened if I had done nothing, since it was the second launch — I was almost tempted not to do anything and just let it ride the day. 

After all, how would I even ask my network to support the same product, again?!

Though, being that I'm so proud of what blogstatic is now, I wasn't going to let this amazing chance slip by.

So I went to work and did the following.

Below is my task list for the day in chronological order:

Personal PH launch tasks for the day

The biggest boost came from my Twitter friends who I could have never gotten to +500 votes and 4th of the day. The amount of comments, replies, and RTs was astounding. I'm forever grateful for the build-in-public/indiehacker/bootstrapper community that we've build. Such an amazing group of people who are relentless in supporting cheering one another without expecting anything in return.

Chasing the #3 spot!

Halfway through the day it felt clear that blogstatic was going to hold on to the #4 position. The 5th seed was trailing behind and it became clearer that they weren't going to catch up. But, you never know.

And, as with every human ever born, we want MOAR! So I put my eye on the number #3 spot and wanted to do all I could to see if we could grab it. And when I say "we" I mean all of the build-in-public/indiehacker/bootstrapper community — because the day wasn't mine any longer — but a "Solo maker"'s product against other behemoths in the Top 5, such as Miro with 1800 employees! : )

So I went to work and started DM-ing my contacts on Twitter just to get myself locked out from DM-ing. I quickly found out that you can no longer copy/paste messages in the DM especially if they have links. So after I luckily got my DM's back, I started DM-ing something along the lines of the following:

A screenshot of a DM to my friends: I have blogstatic on Product Hunt today. It would be awesome If you could visit PH and give blogstatic your support. It's currently at #4 and I'm trying to get it to #3. Sorry, I cannot post a direct link here as X is considering it spam, since I'm sending out so many today. Also, hence the awkward 1 paragraph bunch lol. Thanks so much if you can.
DM-ing twitter friends

Lo and behold — the support was incredible! Especially since I've been transparent throughout and most already know about blogstatic.

After the DMs, I sent out a Newsletter to around 2,700 blogstatic newsletter subscribers. I was reluctant to do this at first because I've never sent out any promo emails to the list but did it anyway as the stakes were super high.

And I even recorded a quick 5 minute podcast episode with the latest and shared some numbers.

The final verdict

After all the hard work chasing the #3 spot, blogstatic still remained at #4.

However, looking at the forest, the Top 5 position was the initial goal, and again — this was the second launch of the same product, albeit way improved — AND the only "solo maker" product inside the 5 best of the day.

Solo makers can shake the world! It's been proven time and again, by others in the community.

A chart showing blogstatic's voting throughout the day
PH Launch votes chart

A BIG Humongous Thank You!

Top #5 would have never been possible without the help of my network and especially Twitter friends with whom I've had the pleasure of knowing, interacting, supporting, and even some of them meeting in real life!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

This huge win wouldn't have been possible without you.