From all that is currently happening to us, I want to believe that we’re at the dawn of a new era

I am predicting year 2300 to be the one when we’re living the progressive dreams of today.

By then we have reached a new paradigm.

Countries, as a nationalistic identity, don’t exist. The term minority no longer makes any practical sense. We are all human at the core.

Wars are a relic of the past. There is abundance. History is viewed as something that leads us to the progressive present and not used as a basis for revenge.

We have evolved to not respond to and amplify the negative.

We have restored the climate equilibrium. It’s all wind, hydro, solar, and nuclear.

Work is no longer a thing. We produce, but it’s less about output and more about process. Robots have completely taken over menial jobs. We finally have the mindspace to explore far and beyond.